About us
Who We Are:
The Boys’ Brigade is a Christian, uniformed organisation for boys and young men aged 4 to 18. 1st Telford Company is a part of the Youth and Children’s work at Telford Minster, where we aim to help young people grow in faith, character, and life skills.
Our Object:
The main purpose of the Boys’ Brigade is:
“The Advancement of Christ’s Kingdom among Boys and the promotion of habits of Obedience, Reverence, Discipline, Self-Respect and all that tends towards true Christian manliness.”
This encompasses the development of qualities such as:
Christian Manliness: Striving to live a life that reflects Christian values, compassion, integrity, and kindness.
Obedience: Respecting authority and understanding responsibilities.
Reverence: A deep respect for God and faith-based teachings.
Discipline: Cultivating self-control and perseverance.
Self-Respect: Developing confidence and understanding one’s worth.